All content, such as videos, texts, audio recordings, is the property of Melanie Rentmeister and is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use, copying, or distribution without the express written permission of the owner is strictly prohibited. The courses are hosted and distributed by MR Seraph Limited, Ireland.
Return Policy: After purchase, a return and refund are only possible as long as you have not started the course. Due to the nature of the digital product, no returns are possible after starting the first module/video. By purchasing this product, you agree to these terms.
Liability: All content and products on this site are for entertainment purposes only. Participation in self-study online courses is at your own risk. Each customer acts responsibly for themselves. He/She assumes full sole responsibility for all of their attitudes, experiences, and actions.
Warranty: The information provided in the course does not claim to be complete or encompass all aspects of a topic. No guarantees are provided. The purchaser is responsible for their own results.
Availability: Video courses are available on the podia.com platform for at least 12 months or longer as long as the course offer stands.