You saved me in the past year through your videos on YouTube and the messages contained therein, but you also touched my soul so deeply that I had the opportunity to remember myself. This course has solidified everything I’ve learned from you before and allowed me to explore new areas. My life has improved so much! Thank you a thousand times for that! Your statements are always clear, structured, neutral, and hit right in the heart. For a year now, I have started to write down the things that move me, so I have them with me and can focus on them again and again. Therefore, I hope that I can learn much more from you and that you will accompany me on my journey for a long time. I would book any course from you or buy any webinar from you because I resonate most with your messages. So, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best and all the love and say: thank you, thank you, thank you!